About Us

Diagnostic World have over 10 years experience in providing high quality diagnostic services to the National Health Service. We are currently working with over 50 CCG's to provide services in the Community across the UK, we also provide Clinical Service Support to a number of NHS Hospital Trusts.
We are accredited to The National Clinical Service Framework with the National Health Service Supply Chain, to allow for simple and convenient Spot Purchase of full clinical service provision to provide support to N.H.S Trusts during busy times or times of staff sickness or holidays.
As a solution driven company, our core expertise is to provide full bespoke clinical service packages and options that are available to both Hospital Trusts and CCG's to meet local needs. We are able to react quickly to changes in the Health Care landscape and implement new services to support our colleagues in the NHS and their patients, by utilising our highly experienced clinical teams, within our operational expertise.
Our Core Company Values run throughout the whole of our organisation utilising the latest technology to transform healthcare whist never compromising on quality.
Striving for "excellence for all", we provide on going education through our education platforms for clinical staff and patients that are in our care, whilst participating on a number of care pathway committees at CCG and Trust level.
Our Clinical Advisory Board meets monthly to review operations and staff clinical audits, patient feedback and to ensure that all of our clinical staff and operational procedures are in line with latest clinical guidelines and governance.
Our company service improvement plan utilises key bench marks, and we actively encourage all, to provide feedback to help improve operational and clinical patient care-pathways.
We hope that you find our web site easy to navigate and you are able to find what you are looking for. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to provide feedback or have questions.
A message from Jon Leonard, Managing Director
In Boris Johnsons speech announcing the second national lockdown he stressed that it was critically important that during this time when Hospitals face increasing demands from COVID positive patients that Patients should still attend for routine and urgent scans.
Diagnostic World are playing a Key role in providing additional clinic capacity for these scans and we work closely with Hospitals, NHS Managers and GPs to ensure that we can offer clinics across England to meet this demand.
We all recognise that testing and treatment for COVID is a must but equally challenging is to ensure that this focus is not at the expense of other key NHS work. Our team has worked incredibly hard since June this year to ensure that we can identify and diagnose those patients that need it and we will continue to do this over the coming months