Community Clinical Services

Diagnostic World is an accredited provider of ultrasound services to over 50 CCG's across the UK and has been providing community ultrasound services to the NHS since 2012. We employ clinicians who are UK trained and practising with an average of 10 years' NHS experience.

In addition to the standard AQP contract service inclusions we also work directly with GP Federations, and CCG's to provide additional services to meet changing demands, examples of additional services we are currently providing in some regions include full DVT scans ( including D Dimer tests) and ultrasound guided joint injections.

Where can I refer to for a Diagnostic World scan?

There are a number of community locations across our represented CCG regions offering equity of access to all patients registered with the NHS within commissioned service regions. We have chosen our Diagnostic Hub locations carefully in each region to ensure that the majority of patients will travel less than 15 minutes to their nearest Diagnostic Hub

Who will perform the scans?

Diagnostic World provides a Consultant Led Ultrasound service where both Consultant Radiologists and Ultrasonographers scan patients with specialist radiologists providing a robust clinical framework to support all of our clinicians and respond to clinical queries from referrers

Patient Waiting times

In line with service level AQP contracts we are commissioned to offer an appointment to patients usually within 4 weeks, but we aim to exceed this requirement and most patients are offered an appointment typically within two weeks of our receipt of patients referral.
Providing the service from multiple locations means that not only will patients be able to access a scan locally but the appointment time will be very short. Our average appointment time is 5 working days, with the report back to the GP the following day.

How do I refer my patient?

You can refer your patients via
Electronic Referral System - Diagnostic World is Indirectly bookable.
Email referral to:

Diagnostic World currently has additional capacity to set up additional diagnostic hub locations, if you would like the service form your practice please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 001 5171 or contact us through our contact us page